Positioning project work at the heart of learning

WELCOME TO THE TIDES PROGRAM The TIDES program is probably going to be a little bit different than many of your other courses across all the Learning Areas. TIDES emphasises interdisciplinary, cross-curricular, collaborative, and community-linked learning experiences to foster increased learner engagement, development, and autonomy through the frames of Technology Innovation Design Enterprise Sustainability. Now […]

STEM4Innovation – A Western Australian journey into connected STEM education.

STEM4Innovation – A Western Australian journey into connected STEM education. In March 2020, the reality of the global COVID-19 emergency became manifest in Western Australia.  The experience of school closures, work from home, social and physical distancing, and the rapid adoption of online learning and teaching practices were suddenly part of every citizen’s life. A […]

STEM4Innovation – Building upon the successes of 2020

STEM4Innovationpiloted in 2020 with 22 schools and over 700 students working to develop solution proposals for Professor Fiona Wood with the support of the WA Innovation Hub, the WA Public Sector Commission, WA Health, Curtin University, and others.  The STEM acronym should be read as a verb! STEM4Innovationis an umbrella project for engagement across the entire WA community […]

Mentors and Industry Experts supporting STEM4Innovation

The following individuals and their organisations have offered support for schools participating in the Hospital Immersion Challenge.Please acknowledge any support they provide to you, and recognise that they also have busy working lives and need to balance their engagement with the Hospital Immersion Challenge with other ongoing priorities.Where possible it would be good to organise […]

STEM4Innovation – real world projects

STEM 4 Innovation We’ve set our challenge as: “How do we emerge from COVID-19 impacts with an education system that is responsive, adaptable, contributory, community-linked, and future-focussed?” This program was borne out of the imagination of Western Australian educators wanting to generate authentic learning experiences for WA school students to apply STEM-inspired, curriculum-linked, design-thinking processes […]

Resurrecting the best of the NMC

Reblogged from:   https://buildingcreativebridges.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/next-steps-for-a-beyond-horizons-2-0-community/ Next Steps for a Beyond Horizons (2.0) Community The following piece was prepared collaboratively by Lisa Gustinelli, Jonathan Nalder, and Paul Signorelli; each of us is publishing and sharing it on our own sites in the spirit of the collaboration that the piece documents. Please repost. We’re a community that knows how to work, play, and, […]

Live and experience a trillion human life stories

The globally acclaimed simulation game, RealLives – originally unveiled in the United States in 2004 and subsequently developed in Pune after 2012 – is now being introduced in India. RealLives essentially aims to develop empathy in players – empathy for other cultures, societies, as well as one’s own, thus helping them learn to appreciate the […]

Establishing a New CoderDojo

  This week I embarked on getting a Coder Dojo established.  The CoderDojo movement is a global organisation of coding clubs that seek to foster self-directed project based engagement with computer code. The process has been relatively straightforward and cooperation of the hosting site has made it much easier to start planning. We’ll be aiming to […]