Messy and Unpredictable – the core strengths of Challenge-based Learning

I recently read with interest an article titled “The Messy and Unpredictable Classroom”.  I was struck by the overlaps between the qualities of the messy and unpredictable classroom and the type of challenge-based learning I use across my classes. The consensus is that creating ambiguity for students to work through is essential to their development […]

“Student-centred” and “open-ended” essentials for Challenge-Based projects

I’ve been thinking about the importance of creating the opportunities for requisite diversity in challenge-based learning.  Back in the 1990s when I was still teaching Drama, even production work became project-oriented and my students never had lock-step content-driven pathways to follow. They were regularly expected to forge their own pathways, assess each situation, and approach […]

Alternate Reality Learning Experiences – Immersive Project Based Learning.

In 2015 I was one of the international learning designers advising Pearson Education Research and Innovation Network on the development of a new project-based learning experience entitled SCORCH. Rob Kadel produced this slideset to outline the principles and processes that underpinned SCORCH   The TECH and LEARNING Magazine featured the project in April 2015: […]

Positioning project work at the heart of learning

WELCOME TO THE TIDES PROGRAM The TIDES program is probably going to be a little bit different than many of your other courses across all the Learning Areas. TIDES emphasises interdisciplinary, cross-curricular, collaborative, and community-linked learning experiences to foster increased learner engagement, development, and autonomy through the frames of Technology Innovation Design Enterprise Sustainability. Now […]