Uses of BlogsAs the Digital Chalkie team were completing the second in their series on blogging (sorry to have been unable to participate) some of my colleagues at QUT have just released a book on the topic…

Uses of Blogs, an anthology of scholarly essays edited by Axel Bruns and Joanne Jacobs, is now officially available.
Axel is well-known in certain circles for his work on the idea of produsers – a concept that should be finding its way into the thinking of all educators.


Here’s the official blurb on the book:

Uses of Blogs brings together scholars and practitioners from a wide range of fields to offer a broad spectrum of perspectives on current and emerging uses of blogs. Blogging is rapidly developing into a mainstream activity for Internet users, but beyond the popular headlines, there has been very little serious research done on their actual application in specific, everyday contexts. One reason for this is that the variety of styles of blogging—news blogs and political commentary blogs, marketing blogs, corporate dark blogs, fictional blogs, educational blogs, to name just a few—make it difficult to generalize and to imagine how blogs might be used in particular environments. This pathbreaking new book demonstrates the application of blogs and blogging in the full range of industrial and social contexts. 

Go on, you know you want one ;)

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