Digital Learning India 2006
23-25 August,2006
Hotel Taj Palace
New Delhi, India

Dear Members,

The Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies ( is organizing a  three day conference entitled ‘Digital Learning India 2006’ in conjunction with ‘egov India 2006’ and ‘Indian Telecentre Forum 2006’ to be held during 23-25 August, 2006 at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi, India .

Digital Learning India 2006 ( is aimed at deliberating on the recent trends and practices in ICT in education in Asia in general, and India in particular. The conference, which will provide a platform for interchange of knowledge, ideas and perception, will also deliberate on the key issues and chal! ! lenges of ICT integration in education and discuss the key strategies and process that are crucial for effective ICT enabled education. Some of the key issues that will be deliberated in the conference (among others) are-

-    Synergising Digital learning, e-governance and Telecentres
-    ICTs enabled education in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in India
-    Large-scale deployment of ICT in education: challenges and practices
-    Teacher’s capacity building: issues and challenges
-    Public–private partnership for ICT in education
-    Measuring impacts of ICT in education initiatives

The conference is planned as a three-day deliberation with key sessions, panel discussion, discussion forums and workshops.

Members are invited to submit papers on the key themes of discussions, or suggest other relevant themes that you feel should be deliberated in the conference. You are also invited to suggest workshops ideas and partner with us to initiative or host a workshop or a special session in the conference.

Last date of submission of abstract – 15th July 2006
Last date of submission of full paper – 4th August 2006

Please also take some time to submit your abstract online for the conference at:

Digital Learning India 2006 is backed by leading ICT magazines in India-
Digital Learning http://www.digitalLEARNING.IN

Please feel free to write to for any suggestions or query on the conference.

Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastav
Conference Secretariat
Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS)
G-4, Sector 39, NOIDA 201 301, India
Tel: +91 120 2502180 to 87
Fax: + 91 120 2500060
Mobile: +91 9899489197

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