Facebook | Rational Voters against heavy-handed internet filtering.

These Facebook groups should give you some indication of the perception of this misguided solution. No Australian Internet Censorship We Won’t Accept It – No To Mandatory Internet Censorship In Australia No Cleen Feed People against mandatory internet filters in Australia Rational Voters against heavy-handed internet filtering. Australian ISP filtering plan is stupid! Australians against […]

10 disruptive technologies for the next five years –

Image via Wikipedia Technology analyst Gartner have come up with a list of the 10 technologies it believes are most likely to change the way business is done between 2008 and 2012. Gartner’s top 10 disruptive technologies 2008-2012: 1. Multicore and hybrid processors. 2. Virtualisation and fabric computing. 3. Social networks and social software. 4. […]