No sign of flagging interest in Virtual Worlds acording to recent Linden Lab report

Image via CrunchBase Linden Lab have just released the findings of their recent analysis of Second Life usage.  400 million hours of resident participation – that’s over 45,000 years for a single user! Given that the report also shows a marked increase in resident ownership and economic participation – it bodes well for MUVEs and […]

10 disruptive technologies for the next five years –

Image via Wikipedia Technology analyst Gartner have come up with a list of the 10 technologies it believes are most likely to change the way business is done between 2008 and 2012. Gartner’s top 10 disruptive technologies 2008-2012: 1. Multicore and hybrid processors. 2. Virtualisation and fabric computing. 3. Social networks and social software. 4. […]