I attended a teacher PD recently about Quantum Girls a STEM learning initiative connected to the Einstein First project from the University of WA.

After learning a little and seeing some activities in action I decided to see if I could get chatGPT to give me some usable instructions about constructing a game similar to the one I saw demonstrated (Schrodinger’s Pets from Decoherent Games).

Here’s what was delivered:

Modifying a tic-tac-toe game to demonstrate quantum principles such as quantum states, entanglement, and the effect of observation triggering a solution can be done by incorporating quantum mechanics concepts into the rules of the game. Here’s how it might work:

1. Quantum Superposition:

In the quantum version of tic-tac-toe, each square on the grid can exist in a superposition of both X and O states until observed. This means that until a player chooses to observe (or “measure”) a square, the square doesn’t definitively belong to either player.


  • When a player makes a move, they don’t place a definitive X or O. Instead, they place a quantum marker (say a small icon representing a qubit).
  • This marker means that the square is in a superposition of X and O simultaneously.

2. Quantum Entanglement:

Certain squares on the grid could be entangled. When one square is observed (measured), the outcome affects the other entangled square immediately, no matter how far apart they are.


  • If two squares are entangled, observing one square automatically triggers the same outcome in the other square. For example, if you “collapse” one square into an X, the entangled square instantly becomes X as well, regardless of its previous state.

3. Observation (Measurement) Triggering a Solution:

As in quantum mechanics, observation plays a critical role in the game. The act of observing or measuring a square forces the superposition to collapse into either an X or an O.


  • A player can decide to “observe” (measure) a square at any time, causing that square to resolve into a definite X or O. Once a square is measured, it can no longer be in superposition, and the outcome is final.

4. Quantum Interference:

To add complexity, some moves can influence the likelihood of a square collapsing into X or O. These moves represent constructive and destructive interference.


  • Certain game strategies could increase the probability of a square collapsing into the desired state (like X for player X), while others reduce that probability.
  • For example, if Player X places multiple quantum markers in adjacent squares, they may create constructive interference that makes the likelihood of getting an X higher when the square is measured.

5. Turn System Based on Quantum Rules:

Instead of the traditional turn-based system, both players could take multiple potential moves in a single turn by placing quantum markers in superposition. The board exists in a quantum state until players decide to measure.


  • Both players place quantum markers at different locations during their turn, and once they agree to “measure,” the squares collapse into definite X or O based on probabilities, and the board resolves.

Example Play:

  • On Player X’s first turn, they place a quantum marker in the center square.
  • Player O places a quantum marker in one of the corners.
  • Player X entangles the center square with another square on the board (say, top-right).
  • Player O decides to observe the center square, and it collapses into an O. Because the center square is entangled with the top-right square, the top-right square also collapses into O.
  • The game continues with players adding markers in superposition, entangling squares, and strategically choosing when to observe and collapse the board.

Outcome and Winning:

  • The game resolves as soon as a winning combination (three Xs or Os in a row) is observed after collapsing the quantum states.
  • However, because of entanglement and interference, the outcome might not be clear until the final observation.

Key Concepts Demonstrated:

  • Quantum Superposition: Each square can represent both X and O until measured.
  • Entanglement: Observing one square affects another entangled square instantly.
  • Observation Triggering a Solution: The outcome is determined only when a player observes a square, collapsing the superposition.
  • Quantum Interference: Players can influence the probability of squares collapsing into their desired state.

This version of tic-tac-toe would provide a playful way to explore fundamental quantum mechanics concepts while adding layers of strategy to a simple game.

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